mardi 23 août 2005

Got it!

Maria-lisa do the Job! thanks for replying. Enjoy!

samedi 13 août 2005

Speak Spanish and want to earn 500 € ?

Hi there,

I am looking for a Spanish natal speaking language person, to help me and to correct about 150 sales sheets of products I have translated with a f***g bad translation software named Systran v5.0. (yes I did !). This is for my website "le Roi de la Capote". I have 500 euros (no more no less), for this person. There are 2 things to do:
- checking and correcting some Spanish Microsoft Excel files with the English and French as supports.
- checking and correcting the website spanish words.

For a native person from aSpanishh speaking country, it's about 2 days of work.
If you want this job, please email me. (right column on the screen).

I will post if I have found somebody.
Enjoy !

mercredi 10 août 2005

Google News get a RSS-ATOM feeds !

Yep, Google news get a RSS and an Atom Feed. You can see it on the left side of the Google Page News. Before that I was using for my website Le Roi de la Capote, a hack to get back the news in different languages. But now it's better to talk with God indeed to the Saints ! Enjoy !